What We Do

Women changing a nation one women at a time!


Our Mission

Making an impact on a nation one woman at a time. We believe that God has a purpose for each of us. How can we minister to anyone if we are not whole. We are Targeting every woman regardless of nationality or demographic background.


“We are Looking for women to volunteer their time and resources.”

— ProphetessDolly Morris


What We’ve Achieved

  • Provide Toys, gifts and clothing for the community during Christmas in Delmarva area.

  • Provide temporary Shelter for women in The Delmarva area.

  • Provide transportation for women in need.

  • Provide Beauty Services to prepare for employment

  • Do referrals to local churches and organizations for resources

  • Offer Counseling by a certified clergyman when needed

  • Provide food through WBAN Food Pantry. When I was Hungry You Fed Me Food Pantry